Welcome to Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan's Design Portal Website (the "Website"). This Website is owned and operated by Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan ("TSASK"), a not-for-profit company that administers Saskatchewan’s safety programs.


1. Who Can Use Website

You must be a registered user of this Website user prior to using this Website (see section "3. Registration" of these Website Terms and Conditions). Access by any other individual or entity is strictly prohibited. If you are not a registered user of this Website (or cease to be one), you may not read, link to, download or in any other way use this Website or any of the information contained herein (the "Information"). If you are using this Website on behalf of a business, you affirm that you are authorized to agree to these Website Terms and Conditions on behalf of the registered business.

2. Acceptance of Website Terms and Conditions

By using this Website, or accessing any of the Information, you expressly agree to be bound by, accept and comply with these Website Terms and Conditions. These Website Terms and Conditions may be revised from time to time without notice to you and it is your responsibility to check for updates to the Website. Your use of this Website after any revisions to these Website Terms and Conditions are posted to this Website shall constitute your acceptance of such revisions.

3. Registration

Ability to access Information or use any of the services provided in this Website (the "Services") requires prior registration. You agree to provide accurate and current information as required for such registration and to update your information in a timely manner to ensure it remains accurate and complete. You will be solely responsible to maintain the confidentiality of any personal identifiers or passwords required by you to access this Website or the Information, and for all activities that occur under such personal identifiers or passwords. You agree to immediately notify TSASK of any unauthorized use of your personal identifiers or passwords.

4. Restrictions

Use of the Website (including the Services) or accessing the Information, is subject to the following additional restrictions:

  1. Your ability to access and use the Website and the Information is a non-exclusive and non-transferable license;
  2. You may use the Services and Information for internal business purposes only; any other use is strictly prohibited. You shall not use the Services for or on behalf of an entity not entitled to use the Services;
  3. You will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in respect of the access to, and use of, Website and the Information;
  4. You shall not publish, market, sell, commercially exploit, copy, download, derivatize, modify or distribute any Information or other content on this Website, in whole or in part;
  5. You shall not print, copy, photograph, download, electronically save or otherwise reproduce or duplicate copies or images, in any form, of the Information; provided, however, you may print copies of any permits contained within the Information or obtained through the Services;
  6. You shall not attempt to damage, modify, alter or deface any part of this Website, any Information or any other content;
  7. You shall not post, transmit, link to or otherwise distribute any information or software which contains a virus, or other harmful or disruptive property or component that may adversely affect any computer systems or programs, the Website or the Information;
  8. You shall not post, transmit, link to or otherwise distribute any inappropriate, defamatory, indecent, offensive or unlawful material or information, through the Website;
  9. You shall not link this Website to any other website or domain;
  10. You must take reasonable and appropriate precautions to ensure that any computer system used to access this Website is secure and free of viruses or other harmful or destructive properties or components;
  11. You shall not to adapt, translate, modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, reformulate, alter, adjust, change, frame or reverse engineer any software, applications or programs used in connection with this Website;
  12. You may not use the Website or the Information to create mailing lists or to solicit the public in any way, directly or indirectly; and
  13. Access to or use of this Website, the Services or the Information for any other use than allowed by these Website Terms and Conditions is strictly prohibited.

5. Privacy and security

For information respecting the way TSASK handles the privacy and security of your information, please refer to TSASK's privacy policy here.

6. Disclaimer

The Website, the Services, the Information and any other content are provided solely on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and you acknowledge that:

  1. The Information and the Services are subject to change without notice;
  2. No warranty is given that the Website will be error-free, free of viruses or other harmful or destructive properties or components, or uninterrupted;
  3. TSASK does not make any warranties or representations as to the accuracy, validity, correctness, currency, timeliness, completeness, reliability or adequacy of Information or content on the Website or any links to external sites not maintained by TSASK;
  4. You assume all responsibility for using the Services and the Information or other information you may access through this Website;
  5. You shall not assume that the Website will be error-free or that the Website will be operated without interruption;
  6. TSASK is not responsible for transmission errors in, corruption of, or the security of content carried over telecommunications carriers' or other providers' facilities;
  7. TSASK does not warrant that the Website will operate in combination with any services or software used with the Website or that the Website may be viewed consistently with all browser software;
  8. TSASK expressly disclaims any and all warranties, representations and conditions regarding the content and any use of this Website or the Information, including all implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, third party rights, title, quality, accuracy, completeness, currency, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose; and
  9. TSASK has no obligation to maintain or update the Website, the Services or the Information.

7. Representation and Warranty

You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise have permission to submit any and all information and materials submitted to the Website through your Website account and grant TSASK the rights described in these Website terms in relation to all such information and material.

8. Limitation of liability and Indemnity

You agree that the TSASK Entities are not liable or responsible for any Losses you may suffer or incur arising out of or in any way connected with this Website, the Services, the Information or any content, any communications with TSASK, or any software, information or documents contained in or accessed through this Website, or your use of the Website, the Services or the Information, even if TSASK has been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether based in contract, tort (including negligence), equity, strict liability or otherwise, and you hereby irrevocably and unconditionally release the TSASK Entities, of and from any such Losses.

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the TSASK Entities, from and against:

  1. any and all Losses, including reasonable legal fees, suffered or incurred by TSASK from or related to your violation of these Website Terms and Conditions or your use of the use of the Website, the Services, the Information or any content contained therein; and
  2. any claims for Losses made by third parties against the TSASK Entities who you directly or indirectly allowed to access the Website, the Services, the Information or any content contained therein, or who accessed the Information or the Services, by your misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance.

For the purposes of this section 8, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

"Losses" means all direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, or special damages, including, without limitation, any loss of use, lost data, lost business profits, business interruption, personal injury, property damage, or any pecuniary loss; and

"TSASK Entities" means, together, TSASK, its affiliates and its subsidiaries, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, or any one of them.

9. Confidentiality warning

Absent the use of encryption, cellular services and the internet are not secure mediums and privacy cannot be ensured. In using this Website, you agree to assume the risks associated with the transmission or loss of any data or information to or from TSASK on this Website, including the interception of such confidential data or information by third parties and agree to be liable for any damages occurring as a result thereof. Unless otherwise specifically provided for in these Website Terms and Conditions, TSASK: (i) will not be subject to any obligation of confidentiality in relation to any information uploaded, submitted or entered into to the Website by you; and (ii) shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of any such information.

10. Ownership and intellectual property

This Website, the Services, the Information and all contents thereof, including, but not limited to, all text, images, data, html code, multimedia clips, graphics, icons, java code, account information and the section and arrangement of the contents of this site (collectively the "content"), are owned and protected intellectual property of TSASK or other third parties with all rights reserved unless otherwise noted (the "intellectual property"). Except as expressly provided, nothing in these Website Terms and Conditions or within the Website shall be construed as granting any license under any of the intellectual property rights, whether by implication, waiver, estoppel or otherwise. You are expressly prohibited from copying, transferring, reproducing, storing, uploading, distributing, publishing or using, in whole or in part, any of the intellectual property appearing on the Website or through use of the Website without the prior written consent of TSASK or any third party owner of the intellectual property. TSASK will take appropriate legal action necessary to enforce its rights respecting any prohibited use of any intellectual property appearing on this Website.

11. Trademarks

Certain words, phrases, names, designs or logos used on the Website may constitute trademarks, service marks or trade names of TSASK or other entities. The display of any such marks does not imply that a license has been granted by TSASK or other entities.

12. Third party content

As a convenience to you, this Website may contain links to other internet sites operated by third parties not under the control of TSASK. You agree that TSASK is not an affiliate of and does not represent or endorse any such third party or its site, products or services, and does not monitor those sites. TSASK is not responsible for the availability or content of such third party internet sites. Your communication or business dealings with any third parties found on, or through the Website, are solely between you and such third parties at your sole risk. These other sites are independently developed by parties other than TSASK, and TSASK does not assume any liability or responsibility whatsoever for the operation of or information of any linked sites or resources, nor for any interpretations, comments or opinions expressed therein including damages that may be sustained, or viruses or other destructive items that infect your computer or other property through your access to or use of this Website or any third party site linked to this Website.

13. Modifications and termination

TSASK reserves the right to suspend, discontinue, terminate or modify any aspect of the Website, the Services or the Information or other content or your access to or use of the Website, Information or other content at any time for any reason whatsoever with or without notice to you. TSASK further reserves the right to refuse to post on the Website and the right to remove from the Website, the Services or any Information or materials, in whole or in part, that TSASK deems, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate, unlawful or in violation of these Website Terms and Conditions. If you are dissatisfied with the Website, the Services, the Information or any other content, or any of the Website Terms and Conditions, rules, policies, or practices of TSASK in operating the Website, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Website.

14. General

These Website Terms and Conditions form the entire agreement between you and TSASK with respect to your use of this Website, the Information and other content. Failure or delay by TSASK to enforce the provisions of these Website Terms and Conditions or TSASK's rights or remedies at any time will not be construed to be a waiver of TSASK's rights under these Website Terms and Conditions and will not prejudice TSASK's right to take subsequent action. If any provision in these Website Terms and Conditions is illegal, invalid or unenforceable at law, it shall be deemed to be severed from these Website Terms and Conditions and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. These Website Terms and Conditions and any disputes or actions arising from this Website, the Information or other content contained on this Website shall be governed by the laws of the province of Saskatchewan, Canada and you hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the province of Saskatchewan, Canada and agree to bring any action exclusively in such courts. These Website Terms and Conditions will be binding upon you and your respective successors and permitted assigns. At any time, upon the reasonable request of TSASK, you shall perform all acts and execute all documents as may be necessary or desirable to effect the purpose of these Website Terms and Conditions.

15. TSASK's terms and conditions of service

These Website Terms and Conditions, and any Services provided hereunder, are governed by TSASK's Terms and Conditions of Service, which can be found at tsask.ca. If there is any conflict between a provision expressly set out in these Website Terms and Conditions and TSASK's Terms and Conditions of Service, the express provisions contained hereon shall prevail, to the extent only of the conflict.